
Election News

BREAKING: D.C. Court of Appeals Upholds AG Candidate’s Ineligibility

  • As we went to print, the D.C. Court of Appeals reportedly announced its decision upholding a ruling by the D.C. Board of Elections disqualifying AG candidate Kenyan R. McDuffie from the June primary ballot.
  • As we reported last week, the D.C. Board of Elections ruled that Kenyan R. McDuffie, a leading candidate for AG in the District, does not meet the statutory requirements to run because he has not been actively engaged in the District for 5 of the last 10 years as a judge, law professor, or practicing attorney either in private practice or representing D.C. or the United States.
  • McDuffie prior to the ruling had raised more money than his competitors in the race and had been widely viewed as a top candidate to become D.C.’s next AG, replacing Karl Racine who is not standing for reelection.