

Virginia AG Reaches $1.3 Million Settlement with NFL Team for Failing to Refund Season Ticket Deposits

  • Virginia AG Jason Miyares announced a settlement with Pro-Football LLC, the current owner of the Washington Commanders, to resolve allegations that the team’s failure to refund security deposits to season ticket holders violated state consumer protection laws.
  • According to the AG’s office, since the investigation was opened in April 2022, more than $600,000 in deposits have already been returned to approximately 475 ticket holders. Under the terms of the Assurance of Voluntary Compliance, the Commanders must pay an additional $600,000 in civil penalties and $100,000 in attorneys’ fees and costs, and comply with the Virginia Consumer Protection Act to ensure future protections in consumer transactions, among other terms.
  • We reported on District of Columbia AG Brian Schwalb’s settlement with Pro-Football, Inc. last year to settle similar allegations that the company violated the District’s consumer protection laws by unlawfully keeping security deposits from Commanders fans who purchased multi-year season tickets.