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Democratic AGs Sue Over Access to Clean-Energy Funds

A group of four Democratic AGs sued the EPA and Citibank, N.A., as a financial agent for the federal government, alleging that they wrongfully denied the states access to funds appropriated by Congress for clean-energy projects in violation of the Administrative Procedures Act, the separation of powers, the Spending Clause, and the Tenth Amendment, among…

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Democratic AGs Challenge Education Dept Cuts

A group of 21 Democratic AGs filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging the Reduction in Force (RIF) announced by the Department of Education (DOE). The complaint alleges that the DOE’s RIF usurps legislative authority in violation of separation of powers principles; is an illegal ultra vires action; violates the Administrative Procedure Act by exceeding the scope of the…

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Bipartisan AGs Support FCC’s Rule Closing RoboCall Loophole

A bipartisan coalition of 28 AGs filed an amicus brief supporting the FCC in its defense of its “one-to-one consent” Rule, which would close a consent loophole by requiring written consent from consumers for robocalls and texts from each individual seller.

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