

Connecticut and Minnesota AGs Latest to Shine Light on Allegedly Deceptive Practices in the Solar Industry

  • Minnesota AG Keith Ellison has settled investigations into multiple solar installers and advertisers for allegedly violating state consumer protection laws. The Assurances of Discontinuance (AODs) reached with Sun Badger Solar LLC and its founders resolved allegations that they failed to install solar arrays as promised and forced consumers to renegotiate interest rates on solar loans due to the company’s installation delays. The company and its founders are banned from doing business in Minnesota in the future.
  • AG Ellison also reached AODs with lead generators Intent Drivers, Inc. d/b/a EnergyBillCruncher and Prospect Bacon LLC, which allegedly published misleading advertisements designed to entice consumers to share their information with solar installers and ultimately purchase a solar system. The companies are prohibited from making any future advertising misrepresentations.
  • All of the AODs reached by AG Ellison impose stayed civil penalties of $100,000 per party.
  • Separately, Connecticut AG William Tong sued SunRun, Inc., SunRun Installation Services Inc., Bright Planet Solar, Inc., Elevate Solar Solutions LLC and two individual salespeople, alleging that the solar panel sales and installation companies violated state consumer protection laws by engaging in deceptive and unfair sales of solar panel systems by locking consumers into long-term contracts without consent—including by impersonating consumers—and installing non-functional systems. The complaint seeks civil penalties, injunctive relief, restitution, disgorgement, and other relief.
  • We have previously reported on other AG actions related to solar industry practices, including lawsuits filed by Florida AG Ashley Moody and Rhode Island AG Peter Neronha, and Missouri AG Eric Schmitt.