

FTC and Florida AG Put the Brakes on Alleged “Trucking Automation” Investment Scheme

  • The FTC and Florida AG Ashley Moody obtained a temporary restraining order against RivX Automation Corp., and affiliated entities and individuals (collectively, “RivX”) for allegedly making false or unsubstantiated earnings claims to investors in violation of the FTC Act, the FTC’s Business Opportunity Rule, the Consumer Review Fairness Act, and Florida consumer protection law.
  • According to the complaint, RivX falsely promised that, in exchange for each consumer’s investment, it would obtain a truck and manage trucking operations for the consumer and that consumers would begin earning passive income quickly when, in reality, investors did not receive a truck or other assets and lost tens of thousands of dollars; RivX failed to provide disclosures and earnings claim statements; and RivX used unlawful non-disparagement clauses in consumer contracts, among other allegations.
  • The FTC and Florida AG seek a permanent injunction and monetary relief, among other relief.