

Proposed Settlement Between AGs, DOJ, and NCAA Would Permanently Bench Transfer Eligibility Rule

  • A bipartisan coalition of 11 state AGs and the U.S. DOJ have reached a settlement with the NCAA to resolve allegations of federal antitrust law violations.
  • As previously reported, the AGs alleged that the Transfer Eligibility Rule violates federal antitrust law by unjustifiably restraining the ability of Division I college athletes to engage in the market for their labor. The rule required college athletes who transfer among Division I schools more than once to wait one year before competing in games, unless granted a waiver.
  • The Proposed Consent Judgment and Permanent Injunction, which has been agreed to by the parties but must be approved by the court, would permanently restrain and enjoin the NCAA from enforcing the Transfer Eligibility Rule and the Rule of Restitution, which would otherwise permit the NCAA to vacate wins and records of athletes following a transfer in reliance on the temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction, or the proposed consent judgment.